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Swing Central Odense

Collegiate Shag Intermediate October 2024 - ALL CLASSES

Dato og tid

Tirsdag d. 1. oktober 2024 kl. 18:15 til tirsdag d. 29. oktober 2024 kl. 19:00


Tirsdag d. 29. oktober 2024 kl. 18:00


Phønix (in the gym behind the building), Schacksgade 39, 5000 Odense Phønix (in the gym behind the building)
Schacksgade 39
5000 Odense

Collegiate Shag Intermediate October 2024 - ALL CLASSES


Have you got the basics down and ready to take your dancing to the next level, then this class is for you!

This is where the majority of hobby- and general social dancers belong. You are familiar with both rhythms and patterns as well as the technique that comes with it. 

As  an intermediate dancer you know you learn from and enjoy dancing with dancers at all levels. The level will both try to improve on the execution of fairly basic material, but also provide slightly more challenging material.


Tuesday, 1st of October
Tuesday, 8th of October
Tuesday, 22nd of October
Tuesday, 29th of October


Tuesdays, 19:30 – 20:45
Social dance after class


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Kontaktinformation til arrangør

Swing Central Odense
Tlf: +45 60181062

Kontaktinformation til arrangør

Swing Central Odense
Tlf: +45 60181062